Fic: Adventures in the Bad Green Apple: Blood for a Bauble - Epilogue (Wicked)

Aug 29, 2009 12:45

Fandom: Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Disclaimer: Wicked (c) Gregory Maguire.
Rating: PG-13/R.
Pairings: Glinda/Elphaba, Glinda/Fiyero, others it would be too spoilery to mention.
Summary: In a slightly different Oz, Elphaba Thropp ekes out her living as a bitter private eye in the Emerald City, the bad green apple of Oz, where rain rarely lets up, crime runs rampant, and sensuous socialites wrap themselves in cigarette smoke.

Chapters: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Epilogue

Adventures in the Bad Green Apple: Blood for a Bauble


Elphaba scanned the file one last time, making sure that each detail was correct, before reaching down the nearest box. She leafed through the case reports trying to find the correct place and slotted the folder in. The edge of the page caught her eyes; 'hropp', it read, the first few letters having been cut of by the cardboard outer file. She did not pause, however, but proceeded to shove the box back into the cabinet drawer.

The outside door clanged, announcing Glinda's arrival, as became evident a second later when her bell-like voice could be heard greeting Tibbett. Elphaba sighed and ran a hand through her hair. Was she all done here? Tibbs had certainly done a number on the room, a whole new paint job, the window was fixed good as new and there was even another vase of flowers, for Lurline's sake. Glinda had added the last part, saying something about bringing life into the place.

There was an empty picture frame on the desk. Elphaba stopped on her way to the door and looked at it thoughtfully. From within her jacket pocket she extracted a very crumpled photo.

She glanced to the door. She had time. Now that they had met properly, her girlfriend and secretary got on like a house on fire. There was always a great deal of shrieking and worrying about clothes whenever they got together. Sure enough, the new topic was apparently Glinda's latest footwear - at least if Tibbett's loud outburst of joy was anything to go by. Elphaba just knew that the phrase 'double date' was going to be mentioned somewhere in her future.

Picking up the frame she slipped the picture inside of it, closing the clasps and smoothing it down. From around her neck she drew the desk key and opened up a small drawer. Elphaba placed the picture inside it and then shut it firmly, hearing the lock let out a satisfying click. She braced herself, getting ready for the blond tornado that was about to hit.

"Elphaba!" Glinda called as Elphaba left the office, shutting the door. She felt her lover's arms latch around her waist as Glinda buried her face into Elphaba's meager chest.

"Glinda," Elphaba greeted her back through a mouth-full of blond hair. "What are you doing here? I thought you had a meeting with Lord-what's-his-name, the one who can't pronounce his R's."

"Rodolpho? Oh no, he cancelled, something about an incident involving soap and a tortoise." She waved her hand. "So I thought I'd pop over here and see if I could catch you," she snaked her arms up and around Elphaba's neck, "to see if you were interested in taking a little break..."

Elphaba raised her eyebrows as Glinda fluttered her eyelids. A cough from behind them broke the moment and Elphaba stepped back. Tibbett was watching them with an amused expression.

"I don't mind locking up here, Elphie, if you two want to... go," he said, getting up from his chair. "Only Crope is coming to meet me here and... oh!" he called, clapping his hands together, "I almost forgot, he's got a new job!"

"Does it involve jewelry?" Elphaba asked earning her a light whack from Glinda.

"Nooo, he's going into writing - journalism, in fact! He wrote up a report of your latest case and The Daily Flyer has decided to take him on!" Tibbett answered, beaming from ear to ear.

"Oh Tibby darling, that's great news!" Glinda cooed before Elphaba could respond. "When does he start?"

"The day after tomorrow, so we planned a little, erm, celebration tonight," Tibbett replied as he face reddened. Glinda smirked, grabbing her lover's hand as she pulled them both towards the door.

"Well, give him our congratulations," Glinda told him as Elphaba turned the handle on the door. Tibbett nodded as they left, but the door was closed for barely a second before it opened again.

"Make sure you lock the windows and both the doors," Elphaba said, sticking her face through the gap.

Tibbett sighed. "I will."

The door shut again. Then opened again. "And don't forget to stack up the papers before you go," Elphaba called, Glinda's frustrated growl becoming audible through the door.

"I won't," Tibbett replied, rolling his eyes. The door shut for a third time. Tibbett went to go when he heard the handle turn once more.

"My cot's in the wall, the walls are sound proof, the rest of the room's yours, and Tibbs?" she said, grasping onto the door frame.

"What is it?" he asked frustrated.

"Just stay off the desk. okay?" she told him before being dragged back and disappearing into the hallway. Tibbett frowned, watching the door swing closed for what appeared to be the last time, for now. What could she mean by? Then the image of Glinda's lipstick stain on the the upper edge of the desk rose in his mind and he chuckled. The cot it was.


"Your Ozness, we have vital information for you from one of our spies at Shiz."

"Go on."

"It's the book, sir, the one you told us to look out for."

Fingers tightened their grip on the sides of an over-stuffed arm chair.

"What about it?"

"It's been found, sir, under guise of a jewel, but now it's back in it's original form."

"And you're sure about this?"


There was a pause, the room seemed to hold it's breath.

"Ready my carriage. It's high time I took a trip to Shiz."

fic: bga: blood for a bauble, fic: adventures in the bad green apple, fandom: wicked, fiction

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