AKAMELOVE spamming! ^o^ nyaw!

Mar 01, 2009 22:23

Nya! *meow* I’ve been really busy for 3 days! Lol! XD argh! It’s the UNIwork’s fault! My nii-chan’s fault! And my otou-chan’s fault! ARGH~! X3 I hate it all! ^o^ but wellllllllllll…. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkyyyyaaa! Finally I can post something I really wanna post ever since I’ve seen these pictures! I am waaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too SHOCK~ *jemae-chan shock*

Well! You might have seen the AKAMELOVE SPAMMING at my title! Lol! And YES! This is it! LMAO! *giggles* You read it right! ‘coz this will be full of akame love and solo pics of them! >_____<

Hai! Douzo!

First off: The boys who are so HOT wearing eye glasses~~~

Kkkkkkkkkkkkyyyyyyyyyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaa!!! *faint* what a couple!!! LOL~ soo sweet! Both of them with their eye glasses and with the same color shirt!!! XD~~~

LOL! What’s up with the lips?! Aaaarrrggggghh!! Can’t help myself from staring at those lips! Ahaha! *pervy mind ON*

EH?! Look closer! Aren’t their eye glasses look alike ne??? O.O *stares intently* uuwaaahh!!

*DOUBLE DROOLS* SH@T! These pictures made me.. *DEAD* LOL! Argh! Jinjin shit! Could you please stop exposing your chest?? LOL! I’ll pinch your nipples! And stop those lips coming out from your lips! *faints* And kame-chan! Don’t pout like that! *faints again*

Really! I dunno what to say anymore!!! *jemae-chan just stares*

The boy who looks sooooooo DAMN ADORABLE with the bonnet!!! *drools*


NYA! Look! Look! Look! The innocent smile! The adorable smile! The i-am-still-young smile!!! KKYYAA! *faints*

The boy who looks tired but at the same time… sooooooo CUTE! *nyaw!*

LOL! Kame-chan! No matter how haggard you might.. I still love your cutie cute face!!! *jemae-chan pinch kame-chan’s cheeks* nya!

The boy who makes ADORKABLE facial expressions and STUPID moves!*laughs*

LOL! XD Jinjin!!! Iku! Iku! Iku! *jemae-chan cheers* YOU ARE LATE AGAIN!!! As usual! Lol! Ahaha! *giggles* OI~! JIN! Stop sticking your tongue out! You’re making me wanna kiss you! *giggles*
Or is the biscuit in his mouth?! LOL! XD

GAWD~~~ O.O JIN! Stop making me fall for you sooo much more!!! *faints* uuuwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! LMAO! Ahahah! I really love the way you make those stupid faces!!! **hugs jinjin**

Nya! *faint* isn’t he looks sooo refreshing??? *crools* lol! Soo SMEXY~~~ I wanna jump on him right away!!! Lol!

WAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Jin! Stop it already!!! *LOL*

The boy who looks like SHIGE in a uniform?!

AHAHA! XD sorry for mentioning Shige! But well! Look closely! They do look like because of their hair! Lmao!!! XD

The boy who HATES his cell phone!

Nyaw!!! Look! He’s smiled! LOL! Jinjin! Who were you waiting for a call ne? is it from me? Kame-chan? Or okaa-chan? *laughs*

LOL! He do don’t like his cell phone soooo much! XDD

EEYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! *jumps to jin* LOL! Well! To minna-chan.. I want to tell you a secret.. actually.. I’m the one on the other line talking to Jin~! LOL!

This is the conversation: *laughs*

Jemae-chan: “Neee… Jinjin, you have to go home right away, okay ne?”

Jin: “Hai! Hai! Jemae-chan!”

Jemae-chan: “And Oh! Don’t forget to buy flour for the cookies on your way home, okay?”

Jin: “Hai! Hai! Jemae-chan! I’m getting my credit card now, I’m near a store so I’ll buy it now.”

Jemae-chan: “Kya! You’re so adorable ne, Jinjin! When you get home… I’ll give you a POWER HUG~ chhuu!”

Jin: “YEY! YATTA! POWER HUG from my jemae-chan!”

LOL! *jemae-chan hides from Jin’s fangirls*

The boy who really is the reason why Jin LOVES his Cell phone!

EEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAA!!! I’m jealous!! Lol! But well! It’s fine for me if it’s kame-chan! Lmao!!! Ahaha! XDD kame-chan cchhoooo HOT and COOL here!!! Nyaw!! *drools*

And lastly: The boy who Do things that makes me think pervy things! *laughs*

*jemae-chan hides* UUWAAH! I can’t help myself from thinking pervy whenever I see this picture of Jin!!! Lol! I can’t kept my eyes from how he holds the water gun!! Lol! Aaaaaaahh!! BAD MAE MAE! BAD MAE MAE! *jemae-chan pervy mind ON*

And of course! My main nya! Nya! LOL! AKAME pics!!!

LOVERS who loves being captured while watching a game!

SAY CHIZU! Lol! EYAH! *giggles* kame-chan looks like a girl in the pic! Lol! And obviously, Jin will be his beloved boyfriend! Ahaha!

LOL! In this situation… Jin looks like the girl more than Kame-chan! Kkyyaaa! *giggles*

LOVERS who loves shopping! *LOL*

Kkkyyyyyyyyyyyaaa! Looks like Jin was the one who always carries Kame-chan’s shopping bags! Ahahaa! XDD

LOVERS who loves to be with each other until they get home! *giggles*

LOL! They hate it.. when someone interrupts them! Ahaha! *lovey dovey*

EEYYAAA! Looks like they’re having fun talking!!! Wiiiiiiiiiiiiihhh!!!! ^o^

WWOOPPSS! Looks like Kame-chan leaving Jin behind..ahaha! smells like there’s a little love fight..ahaha! XDD

LOVERS who then again love to talk to each other using their cell phone! *nya!*

WWOOPPSS! I think they’re talking with their okaa-chans! Lol! XDD telling them some alibis so they can go sleep together?! LOL! *jemae-chan pervy mode ON* LOL! Looks like kame-chan a bit irritated trying to convince his okaa-chan to sleep over with Jin! Ahaha!

OH! Come on! Aren’t they get tired of talking with each other with the phone if they’re already side by side?! *laughs*

And lastly: LOVERS who was interrupted by unexpected friend! A.K.A Yamapi! *giggles*

HO~KEY…. I think Jin’s getting mad!!! Lmao!!! XD oh! NO! pi-chan’s about to kiss kame-chan in front of JIN?!

Weeeeeeeww! YOSH! Done with spamming about AKAME!!! Ahaha! *giggles more* ^o^

I credit these pictures to: jone_records Thanks to them i'm able to DL these pics!

akanishi jin, akame, kamenashi kazuya

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