...wiiiiiiiiiihh! Finally! done updating and changing my LJ layout! thanks to
biggy_chan and to
cherrylady6 ! *hugs*
hihihih.. Thanks biggy-chan for helping me with the layouts! and thanks to eyeen-chan! for being my new friend ne! wiiiiiihh!
URESHII! ^______________^
oohh! and i'm happy that i posted something again! LOL!
I've saw this pictures that made me O.O EH?! ahahaha!
here it is! ^.^
G-Dragon from Big Bang and Massu from NEWS!
waaaaaaaaahh! the T-Shirt!!!! O.O LOL!
two cute guys with one shirt! *faints* ahahah! chhhooo kawaii!
when i first saw this... i was really shocked! and waaaaaaaaaaahh!!! my best friend and i fought about this, 'coz she thought the tshirt that GD wears is not massu's shirt.. but at the end.. she lose! ahahaha! i'm right! ahahaha! XD LMAO!
that's all for today! hihihi..
waaaaaaaahh! for now on... i'll update more and more..^o^ hihihi..
P.S: sorry if this already posted..hehehe..*scratches my head*