Apr 08, 2010 10:54

Swims: only 6
Total distance: month 5450, year-to-date 17950 (target for end-March was 19726).
Longest uninterrupted: 700m (Mar), Fastest 500m: 10:35 (Feb), Fastest 1000m: 23:35 (Feb)
Various panics leading up to being away for the last week, then actually being away. April will involve much wetness.

Weight: -2lbs
BMI: 28.12, 26lbs to lose for sub-25. Slightly below target, but encouraging considering massive volume of full Engilish breakfasts and CentreParcs pizza dinners consumed last week (they had one with anchovies - couldn't resist). The (obsessively charted and ridiculously over-analysed) trend continues to be good.
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