May 03, 2011 10:17
Sooo, election: harper majority, eeeeek, sweeping gains on the part of the NDP, yaaaaaayyy, bloc is dead, whatever, and ummm, the liberals?
There you have my succinct summary of last night's election.
Moving on: I am making dinner for Hippy Poet tonight. This is causing me no end of angst, and I'm not quite sure why. I have spent all sorts of time with him at this point, this is nothing new, but. But! So. Ummmm? And Ican'tfigureoutwhattomakeandwhatifimakesomethinghedoesn'tlikeandnevermindthathe'sbeenherewhenit'smessyineedtocleanthehouseandwhyisthissostressful?!
Also, I started another blog. And then I made it all kind of public and shit, by posting a link on my FB. (y'know, cuz everyone in the universe is on FB.) And now people are reading it and AAAAACCKK! What was I THINKING? I mean, I know I dropped the filters on this, so it is technically kind of public, too, but only a select few know where to find it.
And I don't worry about making sense here, or showing any kind of cohesive theme other than brain spew.
Hyper. Ventilating.