Your observations are hilarious!!! From what I see, the flaws you indicated aren't that big! You should defiantly be able to do something great with what you got...
Ok, this is what you get for trusting the spell check to much. It "definitely", not "defiantly". See?? I could use some editing (and maybe some sleep) myself.
Oh, for the love of god, this must stop. Sorry for spamming your inbox. Seems I lost the ability to write properly. Not that I ever had it in the first place. ;)
You're so cute! It seems like you're the one that told me if you don't point your typos out then other people won't notice them, and it's true! I might have noticed "defiantly" though, just because it's an actual word. ;)
Ah, but those are only the things I that struck me during this reading that I hadn't noticed while writing it. The major flaws I was already aware of. And there are some doozies. :( For example, three of the four main characters have no compelling reason for being in the place they are, and the one who does belong there has only a rather contrived and shaky connection to the other three. There's a lot I need to work out!
You sure got a great sense of humor. ;)
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