Aug 08, 2005 00:19
I've only lived in Boston for a few months, but I feel like since I've been here I've become more of an asshole on the road. Granted, Boston is like the worst city EVER as far as drivers go, but do I really have to follow suit and start driving like a jackass too? It's sort of like that old cliche ur mom always harped at you about kids jumping off a bridge. But anyway, I digress. So I was driving fiendishly home from the mall the other day and it was like a frickin obstacle course; there were pedestrians darting out into the road without looking, EVERYONE was out to cut me off, and I almost broad-sided a bus because it pulled out into the flow of traffic without looking. As I dodged the vehicular hazards, I came to a rather unsettling realization: the way people drive (in Boston especially) is congruent to the way people need to live nowadays, it's every man for himself. It's like 'nah, fuck you I'M GOIN!' on the road, and 'nah, fuck you as long as I come out on top' in life. It's a sad sort of parallel if you ask me. Maybe I should revert back to my suburan driving practices as my own little way of trying to make the world slightly nicer... but I just can't stand driving behind someone who won't go even 1 mph over the speed limit.