I haven't been busy. I haven't even been away from the computer (I have two at home and one at work). I just haven't posted anything because... well because nothing really of interest has been happening!
My last post was a phone post from the Amtrak Cardinal. We were stopped at a "siding" waiting for the Eastbound Cardinal to come through. It did. I arrived in Charleston just thirty minutes late (which, for the Cardinal is dang near on time) and drove back home with my wife and manchild Sunday.
Since then I have been playing on
CyberNations. I have my own country. Some of you may remember that I have done this before on a site called
NationSates. That site is fun, but not very interactive. Really all you do is answer a couppla questions a day and you watch your nation change/grow. With CyberNations you have much more to do than simply answering questions. You get to set your tax rate, find trade partners, send and receive foreign aid, and a whole lot more. There are also several alliances with their own forums and governments and treaties. It's really quite expansive.
So if you like politics, economics and international relations, give it a try, but be warned! It can become quite time consuming if you want to squeeze the most out of your nation.
My Thanksgiving was good. I ate too much. I'm looking forward to Christmas though. Joshua was only six months old last year and his personality, although there, was not as "in your face" as it is now so it will be interesting to see how he reacts to the trees, lights and presents.
Well that it. I actually have been reading my f-list... just not contributing to yours.
EDIT: Fixed the links.