The Party of Lincoln

Jan 25, 2008 11:18

"A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes. "

Mark Twain

Last night I watched the Republican debates. Yes I am a glutton for punishment!

Tim Russett asked them if they still agreed with us being in Iraq. Four out of Five (Thank God Ron Paul has integrity.) spewed the same lies that we heard all those years ago. Huckleberry (sic), even said that just because we couldn’t find them, doesn’t mean that there were no weapons of mass destruction. Follow that "logic" to it’s ultimate extreme. We can now accuse any sovereign nation, with or without evidence, of hostile intent.

Giving this administration the benefit of all doubts, the best one could say is that they acted upon faulty intelligence. If that was the case somebody should be paying for it. Nobody has.

It’s more likely that we were all lied to. Now these "paragons of honesty" exacerbate the lies in order to please their base. Is this the party of Lincoln?

Where are the Democrats? They’re in the majority. Where are the oversight hearings?

Let’s find out if this was faulty intelligence or more likely a bold face lie. We lived through lies before. Vietnam was based upon lies. Look at how well that turned out.

"Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

George Santayana

tim russett, ron paul, george santayana, republicans, mark twain, abraham lincoln

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