Now I'm not quite one of those hardcore neopets addicts, but I do play. Regularly. I was astounded to find out that there's this whole community of people who play seriously and are pretty much obsessed. These people are some of my favorites. When I was littler, I once made like 10k neopoints. My next door neighbor told me I was up there with The Richies. It was a good day. Today I have over 300k np after much, much less time. Did you guys know there's a neopian stock market? yep.
Goal is 1 million neopoints. I play Key Quest and Habitarium like a madman. Okay, not so much. I would if I had the time, though. But there's a lot of things we would all do if we had the time. See, neopets gets pretty damn sentimental. It takes quite a bit of mental fortitude. Not for the weak.
Ugh. This was rather pointless, wasn't it? At least it's short. Oh well. I like Neopets, I guess.
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