Gratitude day 4

Jul 18, 2015 22:45

Spend two minutes a day scanning the world for three new things you’re grateful for. And do that for 21 days. The reason why that’s powerful is you’re training your brain to scan the world in a new pattern, you’re scanning for positives, instead of scanning for threats. It’s the fastest way of teaching optimism.

1. DD2 said (in reference to good things I do for the kids) that I didn't take them to Red, White and Bleh (it's a gourmet cheese shop). I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

2. A group that supports my art

3. friends who I'm connected to who can come to me and ask my perspective on things. I feel free to ask the same of them. It's a really lovely thing, especially when I'm PMSing and second guessing EVERY thing.

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