What I've been up to lately

Aug 30, 2014 09:15

Holy cow. It's been a whirlwind of a summer.  I took my kids down to Florida for a week where we stopped at the Dali museum on the way to Seaworld (spent 13 hours at Seaworld) and then stopped to see Snooty the manatee at the SW Florida museum on the way back down. Spent a couple days at the beach too. We were home for two days and then went to ( Read more... )

life, movies, update

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issy5209 August 30 2014, 23:41:37 UTC
I am a Dr Who fan, and I probably watch it now mainly because the kids watch it. Moffat really needs to go, he's just awful (and I used to think he wasn't too bad, but its gotten worse) but people love him, and I guess the BBC loves him because no matter what he's making them money. I suppose people keep watching in case things get better (new season, new Doctor etc, so maybe there was a chance for Moffat to turn things around, but he didn't. That season opener was awful. Its sort of like Merlin in a way, you keep hoping but better stories and characterisations just never eventuate.

I don't think I can read that fast! The list of books I want to read is growing!! (one of the Tumblr girls created a Goodreads group for Arthurian legends - ooh boy, so many books!

Not too good, there are a few jobs, but mainly full time/managerial - not the type of jobs I'm looking for, still, something will come up *fingers crossed*

Our holidays are just around the corner, hopefully they'll fill up their time having playdays and catching up with friends, either that or all the friends will end up here and I'll have a house full of kids and teens!


jelazakazone August 30 2014, 23:50:45 UTC
I saw the opener last week. Guess it didn't grab me because I completely forgot there was a new one tonight. Am much more excited for Outlander. :D :D

I think people need to quit watching Dr Who before they will make a change. As long as people watch and talk, they won't care.

LOL. They are also in audio, but that is serious hours and hours. I have the latest book (in audio format) on hold. Hoping to get it soon so I can spend many hours sewing and listening.

What would happen if you took a full time job? Just not manageable because of child care? You aren't interested? I'm just curious. Tell me to go away if I'm being too nosy:D

LOL. Kids never end up at our house and I'm ok with this. I used to think that I wanted my house to be a place where kids congregated, but I don't feel like that any more. I mean, it would be nice if kids came here, but I'm ok with my kids going elsewhere.


issy5209 August 31 2014, 01:08:03 UTC
No, the opener was a bit boring - we used to watch it on the Iview before they aired it on TV, but now nobody can be bothered. Moffat certainly isn't going anywhere soon, unless ratings drastically changes (which it isn't) then things won't change.

I don't think I could do full time tbh, childcare is one thing as well. Too much juggling! Maybe when when they are a bit older and can look after themselves

They all seem to end up here, I'm OK with it (they eat everything though!) The eldest always seems to have people over for sleepovers and watching movies/tv shows all night. I don't mind, I just wish the house was a bit bigger! I do sometimes prefer it when they go elsewhere


jelazakazone August 31 2014, 03:01:56 UTC
:D I forget that your youngest is younger than my youngest. A couple years at this stage makes a huge difference. I am happy that my kids have some independence and feel very lucky, to be honest.


issy5209 August 31 2014, 03:49:28 UTC
As he keeps reminding me, he's nearly 7 *sniffles* and wants a BMX bike for his birthday, but I still have to stop him watching certain things on TV/Computer, otherwise he just copies and is likely to bash someone around the head with a stick or hammer or something.


jelazakazone August 31 2014, 03:51:13 UTC
Oh yeah, for sure! DD2 is just 9 and finally starting to be somewhat reasonable, especially if you explain that she's a role model for younger kids :D

Now, I need to go to sleep. 'night!


issy5209 August 31 2014, 03:57:18 UTC
mine is 91/2 and full of attitude, with bouts of reasonableness, but whether that's age or just being the middle child I don't know



jelazakazone September 2 2014, 00:07:51 UTC
See, and my 9 yr old is exactly the same, but she's the younger of two. I think it's the age.


issy5209 September 2 2014, 00:35:34 UTC
maybe we need to start some sort of support group

we had the biggest meltdown yesterday over Me saying no computer before school (or at least getting ready for school - I thought reasonable) and secondly for accidentally spilling her loom band things (do you guys have those?) all over the floor, she told me I should have better eyesight when I said I didn't see the lid not done up properly!! I actually chased her through the house and down the driveway for an apology!!


jelazakazone September 2 2014, 00:39:50 UTC
Sounds fairly typical behavior 'round here! Ugh. I just try to let it go. DD2 is a pretty decent human most of the time.


issy5209 September 2 2014, 00:44:11 UTC
Yes, I just try and roll with it, it was better this morning.
she's generally pretty easy going.


jelazakazone September 2 2014, 00:48:42 UTC
I'll bet they'd get along great, were they together!


issy5209 September 2 2014, 01:02:53 UTC
I'm sure they would! (and they could complain about horrible big sisters, mean mums, and never getting their own way)


jelazakazone September 2 2014, 01:13:02 UTC
Oh god, you get the mean mom line too? It's always because I won't let her play on the computer. It makes me the meanest mom, in fact. LOL.


issy5209 September 2 2014, 01:37:40 UTC
or "I never get to do anything"
well what would you like to do? "dunno, just things!!"
There are certain things I don't want any of them watching or playing on the computer too.

oh yeah, I'm really mean


jelazakazone September 2 2014, 01:41:00 UTC
I get "I wish a rock would smash your skull in" or other horrible lines that I don't listen to.

We are soooo mean. *high fives you*


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