What I've been up to lately

Aug 30, 2014 09:15

Holy cow. It's been a whirlwind of a summer.  I took my kids down to Florida for a week where we stopped at the Dali museum on the way to Seaworld (spent 13 hours at Seaworld) and then stopped to see Snooty the manatee at the SW Florida museum on the way back down. Spent a couple days at the beach too. We were home for two days and then went to Seattle for three weeks. I think we had 3 days where we did nothing. Maybe 4, tops. Came home for 2 1/2 weeks during which time dh left for a conference for 48 hours and the kids took an art camp for a week. Then we went to family camp for a week. Kids were home for a day and then they went up to the Adirondacks for a week. I floated around like an untethered jellyfish that week.

Tuesday I flew up to Vermont to collect them (and then home). That was a long day. Wednesday was a low key day (I actually posted about Wed). Thursday involved me and the kids going to two orientations this year (DD1 is now in middle school, so it's a different school etc etc). Yesterday, our last day of freedom, so to speak, was like this:

Left the house at 9:30
10am violin lessons
stopped at fabric store for ribbon
took kids to pizza
took self to Chipotle
went to Target for school supplies, resisted their pleas to buy junk food
went to Ghostbusters (a few thoughts on it at the bottom)
home by 4:30
cooked self fried rice
6pm left to fill up car, pick up kids' bikes, and pick up a few things at grocery store
7:30 home
8:15 left to dance
12am home

Also, my phone rang at 7:30 this morning, waking us up. Ugh. I could have slept an extra hour.

I have nothing on tap for the weekend. Hoping to do some sewing. We'll see. DH is supposed to be grinding the grout of the bathroom. He thinks he should be able to finish it by tomorrow. Let's hope nothing else goes wrong.

Thoughts on Ghostbusters:
ew ew ew Bill Murray's character hitting up Signourey Weaver's character and then getting her at the end? Everything that is wrong with geek culture and rape culture. Rick Moranis's character was a total sweetie. She should have gone for him. Yeah, also the whole narrative with the Gatemaster and Keywhatever was pretty unpalatable. Thank god most of the sexual stuff went over the kids' heads. :D

ANNIE POTTS. I didn't know she was in that movie. ADORABLE FOREVER. Also, William Atherton. Was he in like two movies?

Also, check out this post about autism and Guardians of the Galaxy. No real spoilers.

And that's about it. Kids go back to school on Tuesday. Wheeeee!

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/823370.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, movies, update

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