It's 9am. Time to get my jam on.
I have already gotten half the dishwasher unloaded, gotten kids off to school, and pressed send. Eeep. Application submitted.
To do:
finish with kitchen (round 1 2 complete)
schedule annual physical
call gas company about scheduled mandatory gas leak check
clean front for violin lessons
do some sewing, get the cobwebs cleared
read to DD1's class
return books to library
violin lessons
cook hamburger/spinach/mushroom thing
prep asparagus
thaw bread for grilled cheese
shuttle DD1 to/from tutoring
*side-eyes that list* It looks too short. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth? (Oh yeah, the list grew)
jjhunter posted an
excellent poem about taking a vacation from her body and
kaberett has a
lovely free verse piece featuring dragons.
Ok, off to start tea and get moving.
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