Ta da!

May 11, 2014 22:06

Yesterday I was out most of the day. We'll just leave it at that. Didn't get much done. Hard to do stuff when you are out:D


hair cuts
cleaned bathroom
cleaned in the kitchen
grocery store
family meeting
paid bills
mowed lawn
attempted to write a profile about myself and bugged my sister 20 times about it
tried not to feel like a fraud: failed

So, I plan to sew like a fiend this week and oh, for the next six months, since I have no neuron art in my house. I am feeling like the biggest fraud.

Oh, but in other news, I finished quilts for two of you on Friday and will be mailing those out on Wed! I will post pictures soon. When I take decent pics with the camera.

Here is what I've got for my profile so far. I only get 75 words. I've got 60 here.

Raised by elves and trained by dragons only in the art of asking a good question, Jela nonetheless embarked on a journey of art quilting two years ago. Neurons tickled her fancy and she set off to give them life in textile format. She weaves magic with needle and thread, making natural subjects from the microscopic to astronomic sparkle with life.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/809205.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

update, ta da list

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