wolfwithpanthereyes wrote this story,
Let's Switch It Up A Bit, "for" me. Which is to say I bullied her into writing it. It is perfection. It's a Zane Donovan/Jo Lupo NC17 bodyswap fic. Eureka. O. M. G. HOT HOT HOT. Perfect. ACK. I love it. Go read it and leave kudos and tell her how amazing it is and that you want more. Because I sure as hell want more.
thewinterdruid did this gifset at my request. SQUEEEE. Love this scene to bits.
And then people on Tumblr are reblogging stuff from The Winter Soldier like there is no tomorrow and damn it if I don't want to go watch it just for roughed up Sebastian Stan. I guess I need to watch the first Cap Am first. So.... that will be a while. Plus, the fandom is so large. I think I'll just go back in my cave and continue on with the teeny tiny fandoms for shows that aired a decade ago.
One last thing. RICHARD ARMITAGE. Holy crap people. Have you heard his voice? I had not heard his voice until I saw this interview. For the record, I don't ship Richard Armitage/Lee Pace, but I'm very amused by the idea. They are both pretty hot. Here, just watch this.
Click to view
And since I'm going gangbusters, I thought I'd throw this idea out: I was reading about ADHD the other day and the article was saying that people with ADHD have no filter. Everything that comes in is equal. Nothing is discarded as unimportant. Now, I've never been diagnosed with AD(H)D, but it seems likely I am on that spectrum. I wonder if my desire to make connections is related to this. I seem to make connections that other people find surprising (although, for my money, I wish I was making more surprising/interesting connections than what I manage to do).
And that's it for now!
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