To do list for the week

Feb 03, 2014 18:45

Start recording Stardust. (Like, record for two hours)
make at least one prototype hamsa squid, preferably two or three
finish fleete 's quilt already
spend three hours working on Mordred story
cook something meaty on Thurs or Fri (I think)
cultivate quiet time two times a day for five minutes

I also have a couple dates this week that I'm looking forward to. Oh, and my new sofa bed! I will be ready for guests next week. Just saying. :D

Also, if anyone wants to write or self-rec something for me to record for ALPA (Awesome Ladies Podfic Anthology) (max is 1.5K words), fling it at me! I'd like to do one more (I co-podded a Morgana/Morgause story (rawr)).

Yep, looking like a good week.  Today was damn busy and I have to pick DD1 up at 7:30 and then I'm going to bed.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

podfic, to do, update, goals

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