speakeasying wanted to know how Merlin/Arthur was different from Zane/Jo for me. I said it was too much to talk about on chat, so I'm going to try to talk about it here.
Merlin/Arthur is a romantic ideal for me. I love that they are destined to be together, I love that Merlin lives to serve Arthur, but in canon it's a very asymmetrical relationship and neither one of them actually has a choice about it. Also, there is a power differential, but it's because of social status rather than sex. It feels much less complicated. It's just pure burning love.
Zane Donovan/Jo Lupo, on the other hand, is a relationship I can really identify with. In my head, Zane is pretty much in love with Jo from the get-go. He falls for her madly, deeply. His sights never waver. He loves her because she's strong, but also allows her to be weak. He is in love with the WHOLE package. He accepts that she is brilliant with weaponry, not so great with quantum physics. But Zane is also flawed. He tries to change her (S5), and she goes along, but ultimately she is able to say, wait, this is who I am. I have to be true to myself. Zane is disappointed, but he doesn't abandon her. No. Their relationship is incredibly complicated. There is a LOT of tension between wanting to be together and wanting to do what each person wants for him/herself. They fight, but they are also honest with each other. Finally, I love that Zane gets something happened in the alternate timeline and he FIGHTS to understand what they were to each other. In my head, their happy ending is that they go somewhere together and continue to have tension between what they want as a couple and as individuals.
Also, Jo is a fucking BAMF and I love that. I identify with her quite a bit (despite not knowing anything about weapons and being unable to do practically anything physical). I love that Zane doesn't want her to be a pretty doll in a glass case.
I didn't use to think you could have two OTPs. Or I didn't really understand what that meant. To me, Merlin/Arthur is an idealized OTP. They are so perfect in my head, but don't work in reality (like that guy I fell in love once who didn't feel the same way). Zane/Jo is more like love I've actually experienced. They aren't equal. One doesn't stand higher than another. They give me different FEELS. This is all good. :D
Mmmm, I think that's all I have to say for now. It's Monday and I have a ridiculously fractured day, but I will try to respond to comments as I can.
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/780358.html. Feel free to comment here or there.