Hello again!

Jan 02, 2014 19:12

First of all, Happy New Year! I hope everyone finds something they want this year.  May it be a year of prosperity and growth for you.

Second, I've been rather AWOL this last week.  We went to a dance "camp" in a resort hotel in West Virginia where we danced, sang, chatted, and ate. Notice we did not sleep?:D  This was our fifth year and it is always a blast. Such a great way to end the year. Yesterday we drove home. Five hours. Then I started laundry and ran to the grocery store for essentials.  I did not manage a decent bedtime. In fact, it was awful (midnight).

This morning I got up at 6:45 to take DH to work. The benefit to this was that I had a couple hours to myself before the kids got up. I unloaded the dishwasher and folded laundry while watching the new Sherlock (if anyone wants to chat, go for it!).

I took the kids shopping for shoes and sock and underwear.  Did not find boots or mittens, but ended up getting boots online when I ordered a new blanket and some fleeces for myself. Just have to get DD2 some decent mittens. Also got cheese (2lb bricks of extra sharp cheddar).  Did some cleaning in the front for the kids' violin lessons and ran to another grocery store for frozen fruit for my breakfast. Ate dinner and am now lounging in bed with computer.

On to New Year's goals.

Two years ago I wanted to just create like a crazy person. I wrote as if I were possessed.
Last year I wanted to focus more on quality, which I think I did.
This year, my focus is going to be on balance. I feel like I've been very selfish over the last few/several years, and I want to try to fill family members needs better, when I can.  So, more cooking, more practical sewing, but continue with writing, podficcing, quilting and other forms of creative self-expression.  So, balance.

Fannishly I am really not sure where I'm at. I see a lot of people saying they feel distanced from fandom, and I definitely feel that way too.  I don't know that I will ever let myself get so immersed in another fandom again due to my own heartbreak with regards to the characters.  On the other hand, Ichabod Crane is pretty compelling (which, I will note, it is Crane I'm interested in, not so much Tom Mison, although he seems perfectly lovely -- Nicole Beharie, on the other hand, oof. I'm in love with HER.:D)

So, who knows what this year holds, but I feel like I'm slowly shedding some layers, or stepping out of my shell, or something.  Expect to see me posting more of the same: lists and random squee.  Still undecided about snowflake challenge. I feel like I *should* do it, but I'm feeling sort of lazy and tired at the moment.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/771949.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

life, fandom, reflections, creativity, update, goals

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