The last we heard from our heroine

Nov 04, 2013 22:38

*waves weakly* Hi. I'm still alive. Lurking, mostly, because I've been so frigging busy that even with an iPhone I still haven't had time for the internet since Friday.

Saturday I didn't get up until 10 am. Oops. Then we had family meeting and went to DD1's Swedish fiddle group gig. Came home and got packed up for singing. Left. Came back at 9ish. Went to bed.

Sunday: got up early. Did hair cuts. Got DD1 to Sunday School. Took DD2 to Weggies with me. Delivered her to Sunday school. Came home, put groceries away and cleaned up bathroom. Went back to Sunday School and collected kids. Had a very short break and then cleaned the kids' room (group effort, everyone was involved). Cooked some dinner and cleaned up in kitchen. Took kids to Michaels. Folded laundry. Collapsed.

Today: got up, woke kids up eventually. Poked and prodded them to get dressed. Ran to grocery store for a few things. Came home and fed the kids warm milk and whisked them off for adventures. We all went to
lizcommotion 's for a bit (mainly so DD2 could meet her adorable dog) and then I took DD2 to her friend's house. On the way back, I took a wrong turn, but my grand new phone figured out a different way for us to go and DD1 didn't even notice we got lost. :D :D :D  Hung out with Liz and crafted. My brain was mush, but it was very relaxing and fun to hang out.  DD1 worked on some fashion thing she had, Liz was doing something awesome with yarn (her yarn stash makes my eyes very happy:)) and I was attempting to sew triangles.

After that, we came home and got ready for violin lessons. Turned out DD2 had not eaten lunch at her friend's house, so I had to feed her in like 10 minutes. Ack.  So, suffered through violin lessons and then I had to race off to parent/teacher conferences.  I had about 45 minutes before a friend showed up (which I had sort of remembered the timing wrong) and then I set about fixing dinner. DH didn't come home until 9:30, so the girls got WAY too much time on the computer, but oh well. Had a great visit with her. Got kids ready for bed and then they abandoned that project. DH got them to bed, much later than I had hoped, but well, it wasn't the latest they've gotten to bed. :D

Tomorrow: movie and mall and new violins. Hopefully I can get some sewing time in there.

So, that's where I've been. Very little internet time. I don't see much internet time happening tomorrow either. I've been skimming, but lurking, of late.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, update

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