Where does the time go?

Jul 07, 2013 12:51

So, I have mowed and been to the grocery store. It's almost 1. Crap. The day is flying by and I have a million things I want to do today. I am about to make a list and see how much I can get done.

cook broccoli, green beans, and fennel
make something meaty for dh's lunch
pay bills and do some other assorted paperworky stuff
laundry (2/3)
clean bathroom
sort pictures with dh

I feel like I'm forgetting stuff. I'll add it if I remember.

Also, re the last entry, I am not struggling with my sexuality in any way at this point in my life. I will get to those comments soon.  I am just very interested in issues of identity, labeling, and community and happened to be having a conversation with people about sexual identity, so it was a convenient way to talk about the issues.

If anyone is interested,
greedy_dancer did an entry with a bunch of vid recs of
danisnotonfire and
amazingphil .  I wish I had more hours in the day.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/735109.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

twitter, youtube, video, to do, recs, ta da list

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