
Jun 14, 2013 14:10

I am taking the day off, trying to do a little organizing kind of stuff, but mostly sitting around and attempting to wrangle my email into submission.  To that end, I want to create more messages in my inbox (not really).

I would love to talk to people about perceived imperfections and how they can enhance a work (or a person, or whatever).

For one, I want to incorporate more imperfections in my work. I am going to be making a rooster quilt for a friend and I have an idea about ripping the fabric and not having any "clean" edges on it. Personally, I am hopeful this will be an amazing effect and not make it look like something I dug out of the trashbin, but who can tell right now.

So there's that bit, but that lead me to thinking about embracing ourselves fully, faults and all.  It seems to me that if we are not hiding pieces of ourselves from ourselves that we can be fully actualized (or whatever the psycho-babble term is).  It takes energy to hide bits of ourselves (or our whole selves).  How awesome could we be if we didn't (have to) hide?

Which brings me back around to seeing imperfections around us. I feel like we live in a society that highly values perfection, especially in how things look.  But you know what? Computers make "perfect" things, but I find them boring. I like works that are messy, dirty, etc.

Also, it is possible I love Colin Morgan all the more because of his ears, not in spite of them.

Talk to me about imperfections. teprometo and I were just talking about scratchy voices. I love that podficcers have unique voices and that they change over time, depending on the time of year or even time of day. I love listening to people knowing they recorded on their beds or in their living rooms or somewhere that is a space that is known to me, not a sterile recording booth where planes aren't flying overhead and people aren't mowing next door.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

imperfection, meta

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