I'm gonna pop some tags

May 09, 2013 09:06

A beautiful gifspam

Whose eye do we see right after Gaius's in the slat? That is not Merlin.

To do:
write Mordred wing!fic (thanks for the plot bunny from
elliemusica ) (I've got almost 700 words now)
clean up kitchen
make mini-scones
work on DD2's quilt
gather stuff for fridge shopping
start lamb chops
put sweet potatoes in oven
buy tickets to London
grocery store

I wrote up my tallis process yesterday and made a quilt background for DD2.  She wants a leafy sea dragon.  Sure, no problem there. Dude. I also laid down for a rest yesterday.  Here's hoping I feel less drained today.  I have decided to skip the quilt meeting at the fabric store. I don't want to spend the time running back and forth, especially since I'm going fridge shopping later.

Oh, anyone want to help me/beta a meta piece I'm writing for
month_of_meta ?  It's about the interactivity in fandom, or something.  I promise there is a theme, I just haven't gotten to the part where I've articulated that yet:)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/720926.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

gif, merlin, to do, tumblr

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