Alex gifs and to do

Mar 22, 2013 09:02

Yum. Thanks to
bonnarpetit for this lovely gifset. Mmmm.

To do:
write fic
check in for PL
stare at Alex's face
clean up in kitchen
read to DD2's class
beta fic
get light fixed on car
pick up prescription
write up stuff I learned yesterday for lewisian_gneiss 
do not let the brain weasels win

I think that's it for today. Oh, by the way, you guys should be reading all the remixes (well, the ones that are to your taste;)).  They are good and fun and yeah.  Also, merlin_art_fest is turning out some really great art. I have been very bad about reccing it, but it's all good. Just go and leave them cartwheels and handstands:)

I'm sure I'll be back later.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

alexander vlahos, gif, to do, tumblr

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