Feeling slightly unhinged

Mar 21, 2013 21:10

It's 9:10pm and I am in bed. Yeah.

Ok, first, I want to thank everyone for birthday wishes! I hope that I've managed to acknowledge each of you individually. If I have not, let me know!

Second, thanks to alby_mangroves , alba17 , magnolia822 , dunderklumpen ,and issy5209 for all the lovely v-gifts!  My profile page is beautiful, fun, and yummy now!

Thank you to realiztic for the gorgeous Private Keenan icons.
Thank you to dk323 for the gorgeous Alex Vlahos/Mordred picspam
Thanks to millionstar the fun post this morning! You always make me laugh, except when you write sad!fic and I cry.
Thanks to 47eleven for the adorable graphic in my entry from this morning.
Thanks to k_nightfox for the unf! Alex graphic. I'm still blushing over that one.
Thanks to rocknvaughn for the Colin and Alex picspam.
Thanks to kleinefee92 for the fic.  Eeee, reincarnation fic. First part here.
Thanks to
analise010 for the podfic of You Gave Me Your Word (now streaming on AO3:))
Thanks to skuares  who has snuck in with a pwp attempt here. Fun!

If I've forgotten someone/something, please let me know. I didn't have a whole lot of time online today due to cleaning the kitchen, making lasagna, having a private quilting lesson ( woman left my house at around 2:40ish) and then needing to throw dinner together and fold laundry.

I am trying to decide if I should try to write a little now. Kids are actually quiet.

I am too tired to actually put any pictures in this post, but there are two new Privates gif posts that showed up today.

Here is the first one, from the very beginning of the show.
Here is the second one, from 1.03, I believe.

<3 <3 <3 <3 to all of you, even if I am feeling like a partly unhinged, socially awkward penguin. You make my heart sing each and every day. <3 <3 <3

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/699290.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

presents, alexander vlahos, privates, links, picspam, gif, gratitudes, recs

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