Time for a destress party

Mar 13, 2013 21:23

Ok, this is a worry-free zone. Seems like a lot of us are stressed/worrying/depressed right now and I'm declaring this post a worry-free zone. So, drop by with your awesome gifs, pictures, stories, inspiration, jokes, etc etc.

Look, even poor 
vlavla  is gutted. (I'm gutted because we won't get any pictures of him with facial hair this weekend. Yes, I am that shallow.)

So, what have you got for me? Bring me sexy, funny, happy, whatever. Let's create a little room of our own, eh? <3 <3 my lovelies.

By the way, I made those chocolate thumbprint with salt cookies and thought they were pretty tasty. Actually, I like them better today.  I didn't use any wheat flour, only ground almonds.  Mmmm.  Tasty.  I also added almond extract to the cookie part. I think in the future I might try adding some Frangelico instead. Maybe add a bit of it to the chocolate too.  So, they can be gluten free and it would be easy enough to sub in margarine to make them vegan too.  Go for it people. You know you want to:D

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/694512.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

support, humor, food, recipe

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