Pimping research

Mar 08, 2013 16:56

Originally posted by pouxin at Research Project: Women's Production and Consumption of Homosexual Erotica
Hi y'all,

I am 'going live' with my research project into women’s production and consumption of homosexual (male) erotica/pornography/slashfic (more details below). I want to thank everyone who has been so supportive of the project thus far, particularly all the lovely Eagle folk and most particularly of all awarrington for being such a fantastic sounding board, facilitator and general cheer leader of awesomeness! If you could take the time to complete the survey, I would be incredibly grateful *showers with gratitude* and also, if you'd like to, please promote/advertise/pimp it as widely as possible. ALL OVER THE INTERNET! ;-). The more responses I get, the more my tiny heart will fill with joy. Thanks so much.

Here's the questionnaire

And here's the URL for copying and pasting purposes:


About the questionnaire

I am a Lecturer in Criminology and Sociology at the University of Middlesex (this is me: http://www.mdx.ac.uk/aboutus/staffdirectory/neville.aspx) and I am also a writer (and appreciator!): of prose, poetry and slash (this is me: http://pouxin.livejournal.com/). I am currently carrying out an academic study into women's involvement in slashfic and homosexual erotica/pornography more generally. I would really appreciate it if you could take the time to complete the questionnaire.

This questionnaire is designed to explore women’s production and consumption of homosexual (male) erotica/pornography/slashfic. It is open for both readers and writers of homosexual erotica. Some questions will only be applicable to respondents who are either readers or writers (or both), so if a question does not apply to you (e.g. you do not write fic, only read it, and the question is asking you about writing), please leave it blank.

If you are at all uncomfortable with any of the questions, please don’t feel under any obligation to answer them - just leave them blank. Any data you provide is useful, so please don't feel that you need to answer all the questions if you don't want to. All data is untraceable back to you, will be stored securely, and will be treated as anonymous. Nothing you say will be attributed back to you personally.

This survey is specifically interested in looking at women's production and consumption of homosexual erotica/pornography/slashfic. As such it is only open to those who are female or who identify as female. However, if you're a man involved in the slash community and you would be interested in sharing your opinion around any of this, please do get in touch. I see this very much as exploratory research and welcome all dialogue!

I've constructed the questionnaire to enable participants to give lengthy responses if they want to, as from my experience in the slash community I know a lot of you have a great deal to say. However, if you don't want to provide additional information (or are in a rush!) please don't feel obligated to give lengthy text box answers.

The questionnaire should take 10-25 minutes to complete, depending on the length of your answers.

If you would like to be involved in a further discussion about any of the issues raised by this questionnaire, please go to the discussion on my livejournal page ( http://pouxin.livejournal.com/6198.html).

If you have any further questions about the research, please feel free to contact me: l.neville@mdx.ac.uk

I have carried out focus groups, but am interested in conducting more qualitative research in this area. If you are local(ish) to London and would be interested in participating, please contact me via email or through my LJ.

Thank you for your time! This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/691614.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

pimping, meta

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