Emergency squee post

Mar 08, 2013 14:08

LOOK.  NEW PICTURES OF ALEX.  More at Merlin's Keep.

And then I found this!!! Someone made a fanvid of M/A to the Lumineer's song Hey Ho.  It's awesome.  The only thing wrong is that it's too short.

image Click to view

Had a nice lunch with beeej . She thinks someone needs to write fic with Turkish Oil Wrestling.
ETA: (note about Turkish Oil Wrestling is a footnote. Squee with me about the new pictures of Alex or the fact that someone made a fanvid. Oh hell, talk to me about whatever you want.)

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/691262.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

pictures, fanvid, alexander vlahos, squee, merlin, colin morgan, arthur, bradley james

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