Busy like a squirrel

Feb 26, 2013 08:40

OMG, I am trying to breath. So much to do. I have to clean up in the kitchen, pack lunch, and hopefully cut up some more fabric before I dash for the day. I will pretty much be offline all day.

jjhunter linked to an entry by
alee_grrl where she talks about the dangers of the "it gets better mentality." I find it resonant with the article about keeping the brain weasels at bay that I linked to yesterday.

Feel free to check in. I got a shit ton of stuff done yesterday and am feeling good about that.

Now for my Arthur/Bradley friends, I bring you this gif from
oohvlavla . Check out the whole set here.

Go forth and be productive! I'm still working on replies to the entry from the other day. I haven't forgotten you guys!

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/684594.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

busy busy busy, gif, arthur, bradley james, merlin, to do, tumblr

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