I bring you new gifs

Feb 25, 2013 17:32

oohvlavla just posted these gifs of Keenan from 1.01. Mmmm.

So, it turns out, my to do list looked like this:

finish cleaning up in kitchen
finish up Privates fic
edit/finish up Remix already (ugh)
write on PL
finish CD (it's only 100 words)
survive violin lessons

But here is what I have done so far:
cleaned up in kitchen
edited/worked on Remix (feeling better about it, just need to really work the sex scene;))
poked at Privates fic
avoided PL
avoided CD
survived violin
realized that I have a quilting workshop tomorrow and oh crap, I need to get ready for it (pack up supplies and machine).

It's only 5:35, but I also have to get DD2 to and from OM practice.

Also, I am so hungry. I've eaten 28 points already. Good thing I have lots of extra points still. I don't like to go over 30 if I can, though, and I'm just ARGH at why I'm so hungry.

Oh, I tweeted a link to this article earlier, but I think it's worth posting here. Someone wrote an essay on how she doesn't let the brain weasels get the best of her. I found it enormously insightful.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/684528.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

alexander vlahos, privates, tumblr, meta, gif, insecurities, done did, to do

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