Ok, here's a check in post. Feel free to check in with whatever goals you care to post. No pressure. I know a lot of us are trying to finish up projects (like Merlin Redux, or Remix) before we get into PL. POST THEM. I'm just here to enable:D
I'm trying to resist the urge to podfic
Lights Go Out, Here I Go Again.
fuckyeah recommended it and I read it and now I can't get it out of my head. It's 5K of sweet PWP with THE MOST AMAZING DIALOGUE. Arthur/Merlin vibrator porn. Damn.
To do:
chaffeur dh to to work (no bus service today)
clean up in kitchen
watch OUaT
get kids to dentist
alba17and her daughter over
call dentist to schedule sealants for DD2
survive violin lessons
pick up dh from work
go to Container Store for organizing supplies
collapse (I actually fell asleep in the car waiting for them at the store)
eat dinner
Hoping to do some actual real fax quilting today. Editing/writing would be good, but given the schedule and the recent lack of sleep, it may not be happening.
Hope you all have a lovely day. I will definitely be back later with some pictures and or gifs of Alex:)
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/679227.html. Feel free to comment here or there.