Check in/writing together posts for PL

Feb 17, 2013 18:06

I was chatting with fleete and she mentioned wanting a time to write.  It seems like people are looking for an organized thing outside of chat, maybe?

Anyhow, I'm going to make you all an offer you can't refuse.  I will make daily posts for people to check in.  I will attempt to do this first thing in the morning.  You can tell me what time you are going to write, or how long you will write for, or how many words you are aiming for. (Or if it's art, you can just say how long/what time.)

You don't have to commit to doing this every day. Just, whatever works for you.  I will tell you my goal, probably in the post, but maybe in a comment.

*fist bumps everyone doing PL*  We can do it! (I feel like a four year old on a soccer team. LOL)

I know that paperpushers  is coming Mar 1. I am not sure if I'm going to join that comm or not.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

paperlegends, writing, check in

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