Art, science, life

Jan 05, 2013 09:36

Look at this awesome image I found on tumblr.  Complexity Graphics illustrations combine the trends of multiple areas of design, such as information, math design and infographics, and brings elements from science, energetics, space, various kinds of “nets”, cultural patterns and biology.

We are going to have our family meeting soon and then I'm gone later in the afternoon for the rest of the day, so I guess I'm sort of back to life as usual:D

I stepped on the scale yesterday and saw a number I haven't seen for over 10 years, I'm pretty sure.  \o/

Thanks to everyone who has been holding my hand over the past couple days. I think part of it was just mourning for my show and part of it dead exhaustion from the holiday.

I've posted a camelot_drabble piece.  It's called Waiting to Exhale.  I can't believe I'm back to writing Merlin/Arthur. I had kind of given up on them, but that last ep brought it all back and now I need to fix it.

What's on tap for your weekend?  DH and I didn't go dancing last night. I woke up feeling refreshed after more than 9 hours of sleep!  We are going tomorrow night instead:D

ETA: halfamoon , which celebrates female centric stories, is starting on Feb 1. Get your femme stories dusted off, polished up, started and finished.  It's a great little fest!

establishedfest  is going to have prompting next week!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, quilting, science, merlin, art, fest, fanfic, life, pimping

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