Snowflake Challenge

Jan 04, 2013 22:14

snowflake_challenge  Day 5

Stretch yourself a little and try something new. Go play in a new fandom or with a new pairing. Try working in a new medium. Or consume different fanworks. Give that new fandom a go. Listen to a podfic or watch some vids if you haven’t before. Leave a comment in this post saying you did it.

It's like I have ESP or something. Or the Force is with me? 
alba17 told me about some tiny fandom thing for Confessions of Dorian Gray.  It looks like there is one guy interested in this.  But, two people have posted fics on AO3 and I read one.  Eeeee.  Maybe I need a taste of a new fandom.  I am kind of thinking about a crossover, where Dorian meets Merlin.  But first I have reincarnation fic to write.  And I need to listen to Alex a few more times before I could think of writing fic in that fandom.

I know I'm behind on comments.  I will try to get to them soon.  I've answered them all in my head, if it's any consolation.  LJ being down does not exactly encourage speedy replies on my part.

I see that one last round of Paper Legends is happening.  I feel like everyone I know is going to be writing for it -- except me:( Part of me would like to do it, but then, it's a 30K minimum which is really daunting for me and the timeline of it sucks.  I want to do Remix and Podtogether again, both of which happen during that timeframe.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

fandom, update, snowflake challenge, fest

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