I think my brain has exploded

Dec 09, 2012 13:13

I'm feeling all flaily and full of things to talk about, but I'm not sure I can collect myself properly.

I want to mention (again) this TED Talk by Chimamanda Adichie about The Danger of a Single Story. I am pretty sure I talked about this before, but it came back to me today after talking with different people and reading some different things.  I believe it's vitally important for us to tell the stories of ourselves.  We need a diversity of stories.  We need all the stories.  It's one of the reasons I'm always blabbing on about having fanfic that isn't just porn. It's not just about identity from the inside, but also about what we perceive and value.  If we can value all the stories, everyone will feel valued and then we can have unicorns vomiting rainbows, right?  Ok, I'm sure you all are tired of my meta.

One last meta-y comment: Cloud Atlas felt very cerebral and intellectual; Lincoln was all heart. I was really struck by that.

If I owe you beta comments, let me know. I am a little confused about who I owe comments to at this point.

To do list:
    •  clean up kitchen
    • reheat latkes
    • deliver latkes to sunday school
    • put laundry in dryer and start new load and put in dryer
    • beta some fic
    • wash bathroom sink and tub
    • fold laundry/put it away
    • sew. For actual realsies today.
    • write fic?
    • buy airline tickets
    • do photo holiday cards
    • finish photo book for dad
That list looks suspiciously short.  I can turn cartwheels if it's true though. :D

Last thing: family meetings. I have had a couple people ask about what happens in family meetings.  We are using a system devised by Jane Nelsen in Positive Discipline. We have an agenda that hangs on the fridge where we write down issues.  Then, at the meeting, we first do compliments/appreciations to get everyone in a good frame of mind, then we look at last week's solutions (in theory) and then go on to new problems.  When we've spent enough time doing that (we have a limited tolerance:)), we move on to menu planning and the schedule for the following week.  Then we have a family fun activity that some one chooses.  DH and I have been feeling frustrated with them, but DD1 seems to think they are valuable, so we've continued.

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/638433.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, random, families, to do, meta

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