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issy5209 November 24 2012, 21:17:20 UTC
(sunday morning here)
so far my list for the day is: have a cup of tea!


jelazakazone November 24 2012, 22:53:14 UTC
Mmm, great list! We are just now sitting down to dinner (Saturday night). I will watch Merlin later. But I've got the octopus quilt base done, well, except the quilting part, but that's super quick.


issy5209 November 24 2012, 23:08:42 UTC
It was all my mind could cope with at the time!
I'm just downloading Merlin now... I'll watch it later tonight~!


jelazakazone November 24 2012, 23:12:59 UTC
LOL. Yeah, I am useless until I get my tea in the morning too. I only just started drinking caffeinated tea in the morning recently, but man does it make a difference.

Hope you are having a good day!


issy5209 November 24 2012, 23:22:21 UTC
I switch between normal (caffeinatated tea) and peppermint tea
like you I don't drink coffee, or coke, otherwise I'm a jittery mess that can't sleep for days!
having a quiet day, I'll do some baking later, and laundry and stuff! (now I can think!)
have a nice night, and enjoy (hopefully) Merlin!


jelazakazone November 24 2012, 23:24:00 UTC
You don't do family stuff on Sundays?

I think I'll fold laundry (again) while we watch the second half of Empire Strikes Back.

Oh, I do drink Coke, just not first thing in the morning. I can't take the sugar that early.

Thanks! You too!


issy5209 November 24 2012, 23:36:17 UTC
sometimes do family stuff, but with hubbie away for the weekend, everybody just wants to laze around.
I was thinking about taking everybody, and the dog for a walk around the lake, but apparently the snakes are starting to come out, so ....maybe NOT!


jelazakazone November 24 2012, 23:39:01 UTC
Yikes! Snakes.


issy5209 November 24 2012, 23:43:19 UTC
hmmm, bit scary, and if anything happened; an expensive vet bill (or a hospital trip!)
My girlfriend, whose parents run a farm, says they've seen 3 already!!


jelazakazone November 24 2012, 23:44:24 UTC
You know, Australia sounds like wild and wooly territory. I mean, you aren't in the country, right? You are in a town or something, right?


issy5209 November 24 2012, 23:52:29 UTC
No! we're in Melbourne suburbs (grew up on rural fringe though, did have a snake in the garden once - and around the paddocks had to be careful)
but, they're still around, and they like the lake areas!


jelazakazone November 24 2012, 23:57:56 UTC
Ah. Ok. Got it. We live in suburbia and see foxes and deer (the deer don't come in our section of town much, for some odd reason that we don't understand). I can't think if we've ever seen a snake here, although I certainly saw them in Florida growing up.


issy5209 November 25 2012, 00:25:21 UTC
Oh, there are foxes everywhere, (I wouldn't have chickens!) and wild rabbits


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