Alexander Vlahos

Oct 10, 2012 08:36

I promise you I am still a Colin fangirl, but goddamnit, I need to squee about Mordred. There has been plenty of squee about Merlin and Arthur on my flist, but not enough about Mordred to suit my needs. Here, go watch this video and then come back and tell me that
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mordred, alexander vlahos, s5, interview, videos, merlin

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k_nightfox October 10 2012, 12:55:00 UTC
Damn, Alex is so frickin cute!! He can't come close to Colin for magnetizing fascination (I only know of one other actor who has ever caught my attention that way) but he is absolutely charming and adorable :D

I think you aren't hearing much squee yet because he was onscreen for so little time. Just wait, it will be coming, you are just the leading edge!


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 13:01:01 UTC
I know, right? Definitely, he doesn't match Colin, yet. But I think he will be giving Colin a run for the money. I can't wait to see more interactions between him and Bradley too onscreen.

Who was the other actor to catch your attention that way?

LOL. I'm on the leading edge. I have to admit that the fact that "normal" people seem to falling all over Colin makes him slightly less attractive to me now. I mean, he's gorgeous all filled out, but also looks a lot more "mainstream gorgeous" and that doesn't appeal to me nearly as much.

Alex is definitely charming and adorable though. Squeeee:D

Oh, I think a lot of people are not excited about him because they are nervous about Mordred and TPTB and what is going to happen with Arthur. Eh, I don't care. Arthur dies in the legends at Mordred's hands. I know/expect this. It's how they get there that I'm interested/invested in.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 13:33:12 UTC
Ah, the only other actor I've ever lost my heart to is David Tennant.

Much as it pains me to admit, I actually prefer Colin a bit skinnier than he's looking in S5. I like my men tall and lean! S4 he was just about perfect. Shh! Don't tell anyone I said it cuz I'll only deny it *looks shifty* It's one of the reasons I really liked that Radio Times shoot, he looked skinny again. Still, for me, Colin has always been TP so it's more than just his looks that captivate me ( ... )


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 13:36:52 UTC
:) I know a lot of DT fans. You are not alone.

S3 was good for me for Colin/leanness, but S4 was all right too. But you are right, Colin is TP and it's not just about the looks. That's how I am with everyone.

Ok, I wish you'd read Mordred's Blood even though I do kill off Arthur in the end because it's just brutal. I don't think I put the story together in a totally skillful way and it probably needs some editing, but I really like the ideas in it. It's canon era, but definitely AU. Where is the fic that you liked?


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 13:52:54 UTC
Yeah, S3 was good for Colin/leanness. He was a bit too thin in S2 but otherwise...yeah ;D

The story I liked is on ffnet. It's Long Live the King by shadowglove. I've never seen her stories on AO3 or LJ and I've looked (cuz I'm not that fond of the format over there either). If you want to read it but don't want to read it on ffnet, I can send it to you in a Word doc. It's just over 7k.

Um...have I mentioned my difficulty with major character death? Frankly, it scares the crap outta me because it triggers me pretty badly. I really don't know if I could handle a brutal death scene D:


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 14:01:20 UTC
Yep. Agreed. S2 Colin was a little too lean:)

I can use this app, Readability, for I will check it out. Thanks!

Yeah, you've mentioned that. It's not brutal. At least not physically. I know a lot of people have issues with major character death (especially Arthur's). No worries if you can't handle it. You could read it except the epilogue and then I could just tell you what happens in the end:) It's in chapters on AO3, so it's easy enough to skip the epilogue.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 14:21:33 UTC
Ah! Well in that case I will check it out :D You mentioned "brutal" and I mistook you for meaning Arthur's end was brutal. On re-reading that statement, I'm guessing it's the lead-up that's brutal?


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 14:25:51 UTC
I don't do graphic violence. I just can't write it. But I think there is a psychological knife in this story that is pretty dark. This is the darkest thing I've written.

It's about 8K, so if it gets to be too much, you can bail.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 16:53:30 UTC
I really liked the concept of Mordred being able to control Merlin, and I especially liked that the degree of control could be boosted by draining someone else's energy! That's a very original take on the Merlin/Mordred dynamic.


jelazakazone October 10 2012, 16:55:14 UTC
Oh, look. There you are. I was just going to reply to your comments on AO3.

Thanks so much for girding your loins and reading it!

As I said, the execution may not have been perfect, but I really liked the ideas I came up with. I had forgotten about him draining energy from Arthur. I put a lot of stuff in that story:D


millionstar October 10 2012, 13:51:18 UTC
Ah, the almighty Tennant. My first fandom was DT's. Good times. *butts out*


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 13:54:33 UTC
Feel free to butt in! I still love DT *is a proud member of the Absolute DT Fangirls*


millionstar October 10 2012, 13:59:13 UTC
*high-five* Oh, me too, that is a membership card I will never retire. Sadly the faction of the fandom I was a part of seemed to disband when he left Doctor Who. Never understood that, myself; he simply made a life choice and there was a lot of righteous anger that made the fandom not as fun anymore.

Somewhere, in the digital ether, there is a photobucket account with 834 pics of DT in it in my name haha. Ahh memories!


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 14:18:54 UTC
*high-fives you back* I shall never give up that card either. I can't say I am as active in his remaining fandom but I still totally adore him. photobucket of DT pics is at least twice that size. (I once capped over 600 shots from just one appearance.) I can get a bit invested in my crushes! I was never angry at David for leaving DW, I was angry at the BBC for wasting his final year with the show! I still adore him and do my damnedest to get my mitts on anything he does. I even flew to London last year on a shoestring to see him and CT in "Much Ado About Nothing". If Colin does another play, I will likely do the same :D


millionstar October 10 2012, 14:27:52 UTC
I was never angry at David for leaving DW, I was angry at the BBC for wasting his final year with the show!

This. This. I just... do not get me started on my S4/Journey's End rant or we will be here all day haha. Frustrated.

Oh how wonderful - I bet that was amazing to see! :D I own the Hamlet DVD and thoroughly enjoy it! Oh, Colin on stage. Would be bliss.


k_nightfox October 10 2012, 14:45:08 UTC
They were wonderful! Especially David, he is just so at home on the stage. He's called it his "default way of being" and I could see it. Watching Hamlet on DVD was what made me want to go see him live. I love Shakespeare and he is a master at performing the Bard's work.

I'd love to see Colin and if I go to London now, I actually have people I could meet up with there! Maybe I could bum some sandwiches ;-) When I say shoestring I mean shoestring! I had the budget for one meal a day while I was there. The hostel I was in provided breakfast but it was meager to say the least. Your choices were dry cereal with milk and white bread toasted or untoasted. (I hit the Tesco's and got some fruit to go along.) Still, it filled my belly and I wasn't there for the food. I walked or took the underground everywhere and despite the hellacious blisters on my feet when I got home, I had a blast! I also came home 10lbs thinner than I left. Hee!

I'd do it all over, blisters and everything just to see Colin do a play.


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