Alexander Vlahos

Oct 10, 2012 08:36

I promise you I am still a Colin fangirl, but goddamnit, I need to squee about Mordred. There has been plenty of squee about Merlin and Arthur on my flist, but not enough about Mordred to suit my needs. Here, go watch this video and then come back and tell me that
vlavla isn't just about the most adorable thing to hit the screen since, oh, Colin Morgan:D  I am so excited to see him as Mordred in S5. I think he did a fantastic job in the two minutes we saw him on screen.  Also, I want to ship him with everyone.  He's intense and adorable and I need this video in my journal:D Thanks to gealach_ros for bringing this video to my attention:) <3

image Click to view

ETA2:  anyone else besides me and kleinefee92 think he looks like Andrew McCarthy?  Mmmm, deliciously shippable.  Ooh, dang, now I'm wanting a crossover with Pretty in Pink wherein Andrew McCarthy's character is played by Mordred.  Anyone?  Looks around:D

ETA3:  Crap. I didn't spoil anyone, did I?

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mordred, alexander vlahos, s5, interview, videos, merlin

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