
Oct 08, 2012 11:17

Has someone made a Merlin vid to Some Nights by Fun?

I am so discombobulated today.  I emailed dh an hour and a half ago and haven't heard from him and can't reach him on the phone (he doesn't have a cell phone).  I'm not worried, yet, but, you know, he did drive the car to work instead of taking the bus (no bus today), so .... No longer worried. He just called.  He was in a meeting:D

I'm trying to get my house cleaned up with children in the house who want to do things like make playdough and use it on the floor (hee, she did wipe up the floor after though) and I need to feed them (pesky need, that eating business) and I hope to force them to watch How to Train Your Dragon and do nails in a bit, before violin lessons at 2pm.  Ugh. I'm wiped out.  Oh Monday, let me embrace you.

I asked DD2 what she wanted to eat for lunch and told her she could have anything she wanted.  She told me she wanted birthday cake.  I told her "within limits" and she amended it to wedding cake. I really walked into that one, didn't I?  LOL.

ETA: I was just commenting to mushroomtale that science and math are magical to me.  I don't believe in magic the way it's portrayed in Merlin or fairytales, but I do believe in magic.  I see magic in dancing, singing, making connections with other people.  Love is magic.  It's wonderful and irrational.  Talk to me about magic.  What is magical to you?

ETA2: I want to get three (extra) things done this week.  2 baby quilts and finish Morgana/Mithian story.  I can do that, right?

ETA3: pimping an interesting looking prompting comm.

A monthly prompt challenge community for all pairings and all fandoms where the prompts come from the messages on the inside of the wrappers of chocolate Dove candies!

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

thinky thoughts, videos, magic, merlin, update, fandom, question, dd2 stories

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