In which I use the icon ironically

Aug 29, 2012 22:31

Girls are home. They are not sleeping.  My universe is in order chaos again. I guess entropy is the rule, so I shouldn't try to fight it, but still, one has an urge... :D  It's good to have them home.

On another note, why is it that some places do not have the same route to leave that you enter by? This messed me up and caused our drive home to be about 10 minutes longer.  It made me very confused too and feeling like yet again I had somehow screwed up and gotten lost.  Well, not lost exactly, but still.  Anyhow, drive home was lovely and we got to drive past the NSA (National Security Agency -- it used to be so secret people who worked there couldn't say they worked there) and the National Cryptographic Museum too.

Must cram in the last few days of summer and then figure out what things are happening this fall.  Yikes.  I hate September.

I have started thinking about my kink bingo card.  Eeep.  My KB card!  I was hoping to get a line by the end of October. *breathes deeply* I can do this, right?  I have to pick a line first though :D  lewisian_gneiss , I'm looking at you;)

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life, fandom, home, kinks, update

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