Plan relaxation, fail

Aug 09, 2012 19:26

So, yesterday
chicago_ruth came over and gamely put up with us trying to go mini-golfing.  We got rained out.  We have rain tickets to go back (but only two games, as that was what I bought yesterday).  Then we went to buy pizza for the kids (it was use the coupons from the summer reading program day:)) and the guy told me I had to order from the internet.  I have never wanted a smart phone more intensly then I did at that moment.  So, we went home wehre I struggled with the website for 10 minutes and finally ordered the pizza.  The smart thing to have done would have been to have thrown the coupon away and just paid the extra four bucks for the pizza. Grrrr. Oh, and I had to take a kid back with me because it wasn't redeemable without a child present. FML.

Anyhow, Ruth and I had a lovely time.  I fed her a perfect burrito and guacamole and then we hung out while the kids colored the pages she'd generously brought for them.  When they tired of that, I plugged them into the electronic babysitter and we went downstairs where I cut up fabric and we chatted.  I may love hate her now though because she's introduced me to Boy Love manga and I'm thoroughly sucked in to the one I've started.  Crap.

Also escaped my house early, stopped by the mall on the way to my friend's house and then hung out with her until like 10:45.  It was so good to see her (she's moving away, like almost all the people I really like).  I made her watch 4.06 and she loved it.

Today we left the house around 9, went for my allergy shots, hit the dentist for the girls, went to the music store to get dh's rehaired violin bow and then the computer store to return the cord I bought two days ago that Apple replaced yesterday when I went it.  We stopped at Wendy's for lunch.  I had barely enough time to get the front room ready for violin lessons.  Teacher left at 3. I let the girls play on the computer for another hour.

I don't even know what I did from 3-4.  I know by 4 I'd listened to all of my podtogether fic that
susan_voight had recorded.  She did a fine job recording.  Too bad my story sucks.  Ugh. It was not so much fun for me to listen to because I kept saying to myself, "that makes no sense" and stuff like that.  I really need to do a sequel to the story.  It was too much background.

Um, I cooked some food.  I got to the eat the very last leftovers of the stroganoff I made the other night.  Ooh, let me strongly rec this stroganoff recipe.  I think my kids are crazy not to like it.  It's like orgasm on a fork.  Notes: I used the sherry.  I did not use parsely.  I sprinkled some thyme in it and also squeezed some tomato paste in there.  DD2 liked the fried mushrooms, but not once I'd put them in the sauce:D

We have two more days at home before we go to camp.  I have completely failed to rest and relax.  What is wrong with me people?

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

fandom, busy, fic, update, food, recipe

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