Drabble prompt and thinky thoughts

May 31, 2012 12:25

MUSIC, DRAGON, MONSTER or ABOMINATION, LOVE and/or CURSE, SPIRAL , LENGTH, and CALIBRATE are the previous prompts. I want to see what you all do with FAITH!  Go!

jillbertini pointed me to this write up of asexuality in science fiction/fantasy that was a panel discussion at Wiscon. I didn't really want to talk about it much, but she asked me to post my thoughts on it, so here goes.

As some of you know, I only recently (in the last six months) even discovered that asexuality was an identity.  Yes, I live under a rock in a cave and I like it here, most of the time.  When I first discovered asexuality, it kind of blew my mind, in a good way.  I was like, oh my god, there is this whole rainbow of relationships and I've just been looking at one color my whole life.  *bam*  I started thinking about relationships differently, even did some writing about (fictional) relationships to explore the idea.

So, I'm still fascinated with this idea, but it's not asexuality per se (I think), but more this whole range of human experience.  One thing I have heard from people who identify as asexual is that they want the story to start with the couple already together.  Get the UST out of the way and get to other stuff.  Because we don't just go around fucking people all the time.  I mean, maybe that would be fulfilling for some people, but I think most of us find other things interesting.

executrix did a great post on month of meta about why she doesn't have OTPs.  That was back in March.  I mostly don't have an OTP.  I definitely have an affinity for a particular character, but even there, if the story I want/need to write doesn't work for that character, I will use the character who does.

So, the bottom line for me is that I'm interested in a rainbow.  It's not that I want all the things (I think I'd be a fan of everything if that were true); I just want a large palette to play with.

I can't judge anyone else's experience.  I don't know what your life has been like or how you think or how things impact you.  I only know me and this is true right now, but may not be true in the future.  I'm not saying if you have an OTP you are doing it wrong, or if you only read certain pairings/characters, etc, you are doing it wrong. No. I believe we do what is right for us.  This is what is working for and resonating with me right now.


This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/571799.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

drabble, thinky thoughts, fanfic, challenge, merlin, prompt

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