jillbertini pointed me to this
post about asexuality from a panel at Wiscon. It made me think about some things, like why I like YA fiction over other genres. I am interested in all the stories, not just the ones about sex. (Disclaimer: I am not asexual and know very little about it. I understand aromanticism even less.) What kind of stories do you like? I am also curious about fanfic stories and the length of story that you prefer. It used to be that I couldn't manage to read anything over about 3K. That limit has increased to about 12K at the moment. It's just got me thinking:)
Two recs from HS Merlin:
Post-it Note Romance. OMG, this story is so cute and fluffy and you will just want to snuggle Merlin into you and bash Arthur on the head, until the end, of course:) The post-its in the story are fabulous!
When We Bleed, We Bleed the Same. All the feelings for this story. ALL of them. It hit so many of my kinks, was paced so well, had all these layers and nods to canon. I still feel flaily about it.
neyah444 has a great WIP that is a Merlin/Scarlet Pimpernel crossover called
A Hope for All.
Ok, on to the drabble prompt. If you missed previous ones, feel free to go back and write for them too. No expiration date, just don't write for more than fifteen minutes. (By the way, I often cheat and think about something for a while before I sit down to write. That's allowed:))
LOVE and/or CURSE, and
SPIRAL are the previous prompts.
Here are my rules for the drabbles. 100 words. No less. No more. Write for 15 minutes. You can use my prompt or not, as you wish. Write in whatever language you like. Can be fanfic, original, poetry, non-fiction. The point here is to loosen up. Try not to edit too much. Think of these as imperfect cookies: they may not look totally neat and polished, but they are still tasty and satisfying.
Post your drabbles in the comments here so everyone who is doing it can see them. Please put the title of your drabble (if you have one) in the subject field. Looking forward to what people come up with!
Feel free to post them on your own journals and even link back in the comments to them. I'd like to have them all centrally located. You can post them in the
15 Minute Drabble collection on AO3. I think it's good to have a playground where you can try new things and stretch yourself. Go, create imperfect cookies. Do not put pressure on yourself. HAVE FUN. Any questions? Ask!
Anon X, if you are reading this, I'd love to have you play along:) <3
So, today's prompt is: LENGTH
ETA: If I owe you a reply, I'm sorry. I got kind of lost in a hormone haze last week and I've been really focusing inward lately. Even though it's Tuesday, it's more like Monday for me because of the three day holiday. I've already run the dishwasher, gotten kids to school, mowed (and I didn't melt!), and started a load of laundry. I hope to finish the laundry (along with two other loads) and cook some dinner and do some writing. I'm actually writing *right now*. I'm over 6K into this story and gah, it will be longer. I am not sure how much longer.
This entry was originally posted at
http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/570462.html. Feel free to comment here or there.