Finally talking about my favorite fics

May 30, 2012 13:23

Oh, a couple months ago, I promised I would do a post about the fics I've written that are my favorites.

Destination Reflections was one of the first pieces I wrote.  It's Merlin's reflections on his life with Arthur as he travels to Arthur's funeral after Camlann.  It was the first story I wrote where there was a real shift in my writing and I feel like it's very rich, even though it's short.

Third Time's The Charm is the first piece in a series I have planned where Merlin is a geeky computer wizard and Arthur is some of up and coming General.  I just love geeky!Merlin and arrogant, but really kind of clueless Arthur.

Frog Kissing: I like that Merlin gets his power from lightning and that's it's a genetic predisposition.  I love how he goes about trying to figure it out and control it.  I am really fond of this 'verse where things are not quite normal.

The Flying Dragon is another one of those stories where I felt there was a real shift in my writing.  I love some of the elements I came up with for this story and it's only 2.5K.  It was written for a gwaine_quest prompt, so it's a Merlin/Gwaine story:)

The Storm at Sea Stories
were a heck of a lot of fun to write.  Gwaine is an interesting character to play with.  I wanted to see if I could figure out where his necklace came from and these stories came out of that.

If you've read my stories, what stands out for you?  Which one is your favorite?  I am always curious about what strikes other people vs what strikes me.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

fanfic, mememe, writing, merlin, meta, favorites

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