More questions to answer and a rec

May 15, 2012 16:47

lewisian_gneiss gave me these questions:

1. Name one dream that you hope to achieve? And when by?

Oh geez.  I'm still working on that.  I hope to achieve something in my lifetime, but I haven't figured out what yet.  I'd like to make a mark on the world in some way.  I want to feel significant.

2. Guilty pleasure?

Writing fanfic.

3. Favourite thing to buy? When did you last buy it?

Fabric!  Last bought fabric last month I think.  I plan/hope to buy some tonight too.  Awesome sale at my quilt guild meeting tonight.

4. Would you have made different life choices if you were male?

Probably some of them would have been different.  I would definitely have a different spouse as dh is as straight as they come;)

5. Favourite word? Why?

Do I have to pick just one?  I love so many words.  It's why I majored in Lit.  I love the word inscrutable.  It's so cute and scrunchy and makes me think of people scrunching up their faces as they try to figure out why something is inscrutable.

6. What scares you? Do you go out of your way to avoid it?

Lots of things scare me.  Vomiting.  Flying.  People I love dying.  I know that some of my fears are irrational and I make myself do most things anyway.

7. In what order are your books arranged on your bookshelves?

Hee.  We have four bookshelves.  One bookshelf is just for scifi/fantasy books.  They are arranged alphabetically.  I have a huge chunk of YA books that used to be arranged alphabetically, but seem to have drifted some...  DH has a bookshelf.  I have no idea how those are arranged.  We have one shared bookshelf that is rather a mess at the moment.  The easy/basic answer is that books are arranged by category and within the category they are arranged alphabetically.

On to the rec.  mushroomtale  is new to Merlin fandom and she is an awesome artist.  I found her through camelot drabble.  You should check out her drawings there. Here is her latest. But she did this fabulous adorable thing of Colin in his different roles.  Like nine of them.  It's awesome.  Go check it out and give her love.

I'm kind of busy with quilt stuff tonight, so I won't be replying with intense haste like usual:)

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, fandom, mememe, meme, merlin, fanart, rec

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