
May 15, 2012 10:32

kleinefee92 gave me these 7 seven questions.  You can feel free to ask me for seven questions, although I can't promise I'll ask interesting ones:D

1. How did you discover fan fiction?

I actually discovered fanfic in college in a class.  A few years later (*cough* like 10) I got on LJ and had friends who were writing fanfic.  Then I found out about fandoms and all that jazz.  Have met a bunch of swell people through fandom:)

2. Would you prefer to be handy with a sword or a bow and arrow?

Oooh, hard choice.  I tend to like to be upfront about problems, so the sword seems more attractive, but I'm a wimp and the bow and arrow seems sneakier and would give me chances to rest.

3. When did you say goodbye to your childhood?

I said goodbye to my childhood?  *looks around*  Nope, it's still here:)

4. Jelly Bellies or Starburst?

Chocolate!  Dark chocolate.  And not Hershey's dark chocolate.

5. What is your favorite genre of books?

Scifi/fantasy.  Generally ya lit too.

6. What is the craziest thing you’ve found yourself doing since you became active in fandom?

Writing fanfic.

7. What do you do when you get nervous? Is there squeakage?

LOL.  I'm not a squeaky person, in general.  It depends on what I'm nervous about.  When I first started dating dh, there was lots of talking. Lots and lots.  When I'm on a plane, I just try to breath and distract myself.  Talking is helpful there too.  If we're talking about meeting someone famous, I have a tendency to clam up and try to be very low key.

LJ is being very squirrely today.  Grrrr:P

ETA: new questions from planejane behind cut.

1. If you were a warrior princess, who would you take as your bride/groom?

Oooh, hard question.  At the moment, that would be Merlin I suppose.  He's adorable and he's got magic.  I can't lose:)

2. What was your weirdest wedding present?

The fact that we got like three casserole dishes I think.  I can't recall anything particularly weird.  Oooh, bronze salad servers?

3. First celebrity crush?

I am ancient PJ!  I can't remember that.  I want to say Madeleine L'Engle.  Does that count?

4. Have you ever broken a bone?

Only bones that you can't do anything about.  Collarbone and toes.

5. Last book you read?

For myself?  Or to a child?:D  Apparently the last book I read to myself was Goliath by Scott Westerfeld (six months ago).

6. Appetiser or dessert?


7. The last song on the soundtrack of your life. :)

Gosh, I hope it's something like Wind Beneath Your Wings or I Hope You Dance.

I'm not getting much done, but I think my brain is starting to come back together.

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