
May 11, 2012 14:00

There was a meme going around a week or so where one of the questions is what color crayon would be, or something like that.  My crayon would be the one outside the box.

In other news, I've been running around like a crazy.  We took the birds and cupcakes to school this morning.  I ended up spending an hour and a half there with the birds.  Then we had to run home and start challah.  Went to the mall for mom to run an errand.  Am home for a bit to rest until my friend calls and I go pick her up.

I'm resisting signing up for the Whispers in the Night prompt at Camelot Drabble this week.  I will resist.  I can do it. (Resist, that is.)

DH and I are going dancing, as usual, tonight.  I should be good and go fold laundry now even though what I want to do is collapse.

How's your day?  Anything I missed today?

Oh, on A Shot of Colin bunnysworld was talking about ear porn and I suggested that Colin's picture would be in the dictionary under that definition. She said she wanted to see a copy of my dictionary and now I want someone to make a dictionary.  *looks around at you clever graphics people*  Come on artists!  Don't you want to have fun with definitions and pictures?  These are not stories.  *grabby hands*  I want to see it.

This entry was originally posted at Feel free to comment here or there.

life, meme, question, a day

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