Primal Urges

May 10, 2012 22:41

So, in the end, I did mostly everything on my list except make sichuan tofu and fold laundry.  A couple things got sort of done or mostly done (clean the house and bind the quilt), but otherwise, damn.  My mom made it here just fine and I had a very busy day and now I'm ready to sleep.

A couple notes. 50 Shades of Grey.  All these moms I know are ( Read more... )

life, fanfic, podfic, a day, update, recs

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anonymous May 12 2012, 10:21:12 UTC
Yay you for getting most of that list done!

Yeah, maaan--I was a little upset about "Meat Feast" being gone. I even asked at an "ask" box (which you might have seen) and was told that it had indeed been removed by the author. Whenever that sort of thing happens it always makes me wonder about the author's reasons. Why did she remove it? Did something happen in her life that made her do it? Did she suddenly feel uncomfortable about it? Why?! I try not to be angry, because it's their work and their choice...but :(

Should I read "Intended" then? Is it a student/teacher thing (underage thing) because I don't think I can read those comfortably. :/



jelazakazone May 12 2012, 12:20:31 UTC
Ugh. That list. I still haven't got all the laundry put away nor have I made the tofu. I'll make that this morning.

Yeah, exactly. *sobs again at The Meat Feast being gone* I'm not angry, just very sad.

"Intended" is not about an underage relationship. By the time they get together Arthur will be 18 (I haven't gotten that far). It's terrific. Hilarious. I love it when an author can handle humor well.

I don't do underage with an age discrepancy either. Ugh.


anonymous May 12 2012, 13:00:44 UTC
LAUNDRY FOR A FAMILY OF FOUR IS A LOT OF LAUNDRY!! (Sorry for shouting. All to say, I both sympathize and empathize big time.)

My husband---who is such an enabler, I cannot tell you---has said he can probably find The Meat Feast for me, because he has his ways...but she removed it for a reason, so it would be mean of me to try to track it down, right? (Right?)

It's not just the underage thing; it's anything teacher/student. In my profession, it's just too creepy to me. :/ But I'm torn, now, because you said it was funny, and I love funny fics. I'll try it out.:D



jelazakazone May 12 2012, 13:17:59 UTC
No worries. I feel like I do less laundry than other people I know. It's just been a very busy week.

LOL. I might be trying to get a copy for myself, having already read it and possibly wanting to read it again.

Ah. If you want to wait until I've finished it, I can let you know how it's handled. At the moment, I'm impressed with how it's going. I agree, the teacher/student relationship is squicky. Also, this is clearly Arthur/Merlin over anything else, at least to me.

ETA: I take it back. It's awesome. You should totally read it. I'm 1/3 of the way through and she handles the teacher/student relationship beautifully. And it's sooooo freaking funny:)


anonymous May 12 2012, 14:58:39 UTC
Well, if you do find a copy anywhere, let me know? :)

'kay...cause I'm only about one page in, and "Intended" is just about the cutest fic I've ever read. (My only 'complaint' is that Arthur doesn't seem anything like Arthur---d'you know what I mean?) Anyway, I'll get over the icky feelings quickly, I'm sure of it, now. (Pushing down queasy memory of former student who wrote me love poetry. YEESH!)

I should just go ahead and trust your recs, now, shouldn't I? You have great taste. :D



jelazakazone May 12 2012, 15:08:20 UTC
Ok. I'll let you know, somehow.

Intended is sooooo cute. You will finish it before me, no doubt. I was thinking that Arthur and Merlin are a little OOC in this, but it's just too cute.


anonymous May 12 2012, 16:04:01 UTC
Heh--you know me too well: I just finished it! OMG it's adorable and scorching hot and I love it!

Fortunately, they only really get together once Arthur is 18 and not even Merlin's student any it's...okay-ish. (In a real life situation, this would still be completely ill-advised, but it's Merthur! It's destiny!)

What I also like is that Arthur starts out OOC, but he actually becomes more like the Arthur we know by the end, when he's 18--that was actually handled really really well. Merlin? Still a bit OOC, I think, but it's interesting how even he seems to be more like himself by the end, when their relationship changes and the power play shifts. I enjoyed this so much.



jelazakazone May 12 2012, 16:06:42 UTC
I'm almost half way through now. Loving it. So glad you liked it. I knew they got together in the end. I think it says so in the author's notes.

:D Yay! So glad you enjoyed it.


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