Busy day

May 10, 2012 08:58

Here's my to do list.  Just posting it here to see how much I can get done. Will be crossing things off as I get to them.
  • grocery store
  • finish binding quilt ( just have to tack down the corners!)
  • clean house (kitchen is almost done)
  • make lamb sausages
  • make sichuan tofu
  • bake cupcakes with DD2
  • take DD1 out for dinner for her bookgroup
  • get downstairs bathroom ready for mom
  • fold laundry
  • change brooder box litter
  • figure out bird food situation
Oh, look how small and manageable that list looks.  Hah.  I've got six hours. We'll see how much I manage.

By the way, I don't think anyone reading me on DW cares, but I posted a story yesterday that only showed up on my feed when I clicked on "journals".  It's a modern au crack story in the Pocket Book Dragon 'verseThe Poisoned Pheasant.

What do you have going on today?

Also, I beg of you, if you feel you have to use the word "smirk" in your fic, think very very hard if you really need that particular word.  I swear it I see it in every fic I read these days and it's driving me crazy. ETA: Use it if you like, just be judicious about it.  (Like I probably need to be with italics lately:))

This entry was originally posted at http://jelazakazone.dreamwidth.org/563394.html. Feel free to comment here or there.

crazy days

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