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Comments 21

celandineb February 24 2012, 23:51:10 UTC
1. I write fanfic because it's fun. I write porn because that is even MORE fun. *g ( ... )


jelazakazone February 25 2012, 00:03:29 UTC
1. I am trying to think about why it's fun.

2. Yeah, I think I'm in that camp. I might feel like an idea is an interesting, but something could always be done better.

3. I was thinking about kink both in the sexual sort of way and also just sort of broadening the term. I just wrote rope!kink and tried to steep the fic in the language of climbing as much as possible to enrich the kink. Does that make sense? I thought it was very interesting.

4. I was talking about reading in general, not just fic. I think I read fic to think about the show and maybe to connect with the writer. At this point, I am not feeling any level of confidence in my ability to convey an idea accurately/effectively (in writing or even in a conversation).


dorkathus February 25 2012, 00:08:07 UTC
Dragon V-Gifts! Awesome! Thank you for mine ♥ So much dragon love.

1. I write porn (and anything, for that matter) because I like to write things that I can see happening between characters in my mind's eye, but aren't in the show. I also write porn because it's stupid hot. I'm not aiming for erotica! Smut is goooood, I write what I think is delicious (or horribly wrong but oh so good anyway).

2. I suppose it depends what value of "good" we're going for. I think of what I've written as good if it sets out all the imagery I had going without babbling, repeating itself, wandering all over the place, or generally being a bit loose. I need to think that it has fairly good flow and phrasing, too. I don't need praise, because I kept my fic to myself for a long time so my criteria was all that mattered. Other people haven't worked their way into how I class my fic as "good", they make me happy though ( ... )


jelazakazone February 25 2012, 00:29:16 UTC
Heh. Gotta love the dragons:D

1. LOL at horribly wrong but oh so good anyway. Is porn more engaging to write? I think a couple months ago I was talking about how writing about dragons was more interesting, but the rope!kink fic has changed the game for me to some extent. I found that incredibly challenging and interesting, especially as I was trying to use the language of rock climbing in the fic.

2. Those seem like very good criteria. I also like to think that maybe I'm connecting with people when I write, but that seems impossible to gauge, even with feedback.

3. Right. That is how I'm thinking about kink at the moment. I think of "kink" as something that can have a sexual innuendo, but I would say I have certain kinks in stories which are not at all sexual (ie, I love it when people use mathy language in romance stories -- it's the use of the language that gets me every time. It gives me a mental boner (pardon the phrase), not an actual one ( ... )


dorkathus February 25 2012, 00:51:49 UTC
1. I find porn more difficult to write. I have (delicious) images in my head, but getting them into text is really tricky, especially without repetition. There's a lot of repetition in sex, and there shouldn't be in prose. Damnation! I find character exploration stuff the most engaging. After that, it's character relationship exploration. And I think smut is one of many good vehicles for that. It's just generally not the easiest one, and PWP is certainly not the most engaging thing for me to write, if by that you mean mentally stimulating and interesting. It's fun ( ... )


jelazakazone February 25 2012, 00:53:51 UTC
Just to let you know, I have to go. I'm going dancing in 10 minutes and need to pack. I will reply to this properly later. ♥


dunderklumpen February 25 2012, 17:30:52 UTC
More or less the same the others already said ( ... )


jelazakazone February 25 2012, 18:05:05 UTC
1. Yes, it's so true. It's much easier to tell a story when you have a framework in place. For me, that's also made it easier to play with things, I think. Maybe I should post some meta about that ( ... )


dunderklumpen February 25 2012, 18:23:45 UTC
Hee about "baby". I wonder if that's a German thing? - Maybe it's just a "me" thing. Although "baby" is a general form of endearment in German. You can call your kids "baby" of course (after all they actually are your babies;) But my friend K's husband F. e.g. calls his wife "baby" from time to time, instead of "darling" or "honey". I'm always melting when he does that. *gg*
It's like with every other word - it's a question of the situation you use it in. You call your kids baby = cute. F. calls K. baby = cute and a little hot. Arthur calls Merlin baby = brain melt;P


jelazakazone February 25 2012, 18:30:33 UTC
Like I said, it might just be a "me" thing:D

"Baby" actually feels kind of dated and old fashioned to me. Like people said that in the 50s or 60s but haven't said it since. Just a general impression (and I'm completely falling asleep here, so not even sure what I'm saying is making sense/true:))


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